Adding a “Human Touch” to Your Brand & Online Presence

In the ever-evolving realm of business, authenticity has transcended mere buzzword status; it has emerged as a powerful force capable of setting your brand apart amidst the cacophony, forging genuine connections with your audience. Authenticity is about revealing the genuine, the relatable, and the resonant facets of your brand. In this blog post, we embark on an exploration of the essence of authenticity and the energetics of online connection.

But first, I want to talk about what I’m currently doing in my OWN brand to ensure a gentle human touch. As you know, I run a luxury branding studio. This means that above all, I want my content to be high end, but ultimately, we’re all humans. Even the humans that wear D&G and drive a Rolls Royce. And to that end, I’m trying to do this every day:

  • Post an Instagram story when I first wake up of whatever is around me and say good morning. I try to post pictures that are clean and bright and convey a sense of peace.

  • Posting an Instagram story 2-4 times a day, with a couple of hours in between, showing my followers what I’m up to. For example, some days I work in a coffee kiosk in the heart of Anchorage, Alaska. Showing my community that you can do things besides sit at your computer is important to me.

  • Relating what I’m doing back to my offers. I talked a little bit about coffee yesterday when I was at the kiosk, and then I turned that talk into Strategy. I discussed what myself and a friend had been talking about just a couple days prior because as I mention in the post below, if you’re TALKING with people every day and having genuine conversations, you’re going to naturally be able to generate content. It’s going to flow out of you.

Why Authenticity Holds the Key

Authenticity functions as the alchemical elixir that transmutes a business from a faceless entity into an approachable and credible presence. It entails unveiling the real individuals who form the beating heart of your brand and granting your audience a glimpse behind the scenes. Here's why authenticity is paramount:

  1. Cultivates Trust: Genuine energy instills trust. When your audience encounters the authentic faces and narratives behind your brand, they are more inclined to engage, make purchases, and accompany you on your journey.

  2. Fosters Emotional Bonds: Authenticity weaves emotional connections. People are drawn to brands that align with their principles and resonate with their personal experiences.

  3. Forges Uniqueness: In the bustling marketplace, your UNIQUE energy serves as your differentiator. It etches your brand into the collective memory, leaving an indelible mark on brand recognition.

The Energetics of Online Connection

In the digital realm, connections are no longer solely about words and visuals; they encompass energy. Your brand's energy communicates with your audience on a subconscious level. Here's how to infuse energetic authenticity into your online presence:

  1. Align Your Energy: Take a moment to center yourself and envision the energy you want your brand to convey. Is it calming and soothing, dynamic and vibrant, or perhaps nurturing and supportive? Maybe vibrant and exciting? Ensure that your brand's visuals, messaging, and interactions harmonize with this energetic intent.

  2. Embrace Authentic Storytelling: Share stories that resonate with the energy you wish to transmit. Narratives have the power to create emotional resonance and energetic connection. Let your audience feel the authenticity in your storytelling and your real energy.

  3. Engage in Genuine Conversations: Authenticity extends to your interactions. Engage with your audience in authentic, two-way conversations. Respond to comments, messages, and emails with heartfelt authenticity, fostering a sense of energetic connection. If you’re having conversations every day, by the way, content for your stories and your posts will NATURALLY generate themselves.

Three Actionable Tips for Authentic Branding

Ready to infuse authenticity into your brand? Here are three actionable tips:

  1. Human-Centric Content: Craft content that speaks directly to your audience's needs, desires, and emotions. Use relatable language and weave in authentic stories. If you have a single person in mind when you created your avatar, think, “What are they thinking when they first wake up in the morning? What is one way I can solve a problem for them?”

  2. Energy-Infused Imagery: Select visuals that align with your brand's energy. Use images that resonate with your audience and convey your authentic story. I suggest selfies (yes, for a luxury brand!), lots of Instagram stories sharing your day to day while relating it back to your offers, and talking to them about what you’re going through. This is going to help them connect to you as an individual.

  3. User-Centric Website Experience: Enhance the user experience on your website. Ensure it's easy to navigate, with clear calls to action.

PS: I help my clients with the foundations of an energetically aligned business by having a deep-dive strategy session, branding that resonates with who they are as people and where they’re headed, and a stunning website. Check out “Enchanted Identity” to learn more.

What do you think? Will you use these tips? Do you have any to add? I’d love to see a comment below with your thoughts!


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